My 5 Favourite Fall Reads


I was never much of a reader growing up. I was always game to read a text book or assigned novels in school but never, ever would I pick up a book just for the fun of it. So, it is funny to me now that not only do I go through almost a book a week, but those in my community are reaching out to me for book suggestions. My “books” story highlight on Instagram is by and far my most viewed so, today on the blog I thought I would go through some of my favourite books I’ve read over the past few months.


Before we go any further though I will give this two disclaimers. First, I don’t sit down and read a book a week- I could probably make space for it but I don’t. “Reading” for me is probably 85% via my Audible App (download it here) and I listen anytime I’m in the car, out for a walk or even sometimes while I am charting at work. This does change the reading experience for sure but it has allowed me to get through so many more books than I would otherwise be able to.

 Second, I have been in a huge period of growth and change. So, I have tended towards books around personal growth and development. When I came up with this list, I realized all of these books are very similar; they are all personal stories of change in some way. Whether it is a mindset shift or a total life overhaul all of these books are stories of transformation which I have found so helpful and I navigate change myself. I think as humans, no matter what we are constantly in a state of change or growth (otherwise we can become stagnant) so I hope you find them applicable to where you are at too!


So without further ado, here is my top 5 reads for this fall.


1.     The Surrender Experiment- Michael Singer


Author, Michael Singer recounts his life story and holy smokes does it ever take some unbelievable twists and turns after he chooses a life of complete surrender. This book really opened up my mind to the idea that there is so much pain and discomfort in resisting life and that, whether good or bad, life is happening for us, not to us. Singer’s story is truly incredible and kept me engaged the whole way through. From teaching economics to opening a spiritual retreat centre and owning a construction business to being CEO a multi-million dollar tech firm, trust me when I say that surrender seems to have worked out quite well for him. So, just maybe it will for us too J.


2.     Everything is Figureoutable- Marie Forleo



Marie presents a very simple concept but I think sometimes it can get so lost in the shuffle. Like the title implies she believes “everything is figureoutable” and through telling her own story, I was able to see that no matter how big a task or challenge may seem, there is always a way to get it done. Marie provides tangible action items and concepts so that you can take on your wildest dreams and know you will figure it out on the way!


3.     The Beautiful No: And Other Tales or Trial, Transcendence, and Transformation- Sheri Salata



Sheri Salata served as executive producer of The Oprah Show and worked for Oprah and Harpo Studios for over 20 years. Once the show ended in 2011, Sheri began to discover that even though she had her dream career she was not living her dream life. Though Sheri is 30 years my senior (and for sure the target audience is middle aged to older women), I connected with her story in a big way. Early on in my career as a PT, I was so focused on my professional pursuits that I went through a similar ‘crisis’ (read the blog post on that HERE). Her story of finding herself again after years of ignoring so many aspects of her life is truly inspiring, wonderful and captivating. There are so many subtle and powerful nuggets in this one.



4.     Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life beyond Your Wildest Dreams- Gabrielle Bernstein


Super attractor.jpeg

Ok, so I will admit for those who are hardcore science you may find this one a bit too “woo-woo” but damn I personally loved this book. I think it is Gabby’s best yet! Super Attractor is all about the concept of creating good energy in the universe to help attract what you want out of life. She goes through how to connect your spiritual self into the everyday life to ensure and provides a good reminder that getting what you want out of life can be fun and easy when you let it be. Pushing hard to get what we want doesn’t usually pan out so sit back and start attracting what you want!



5.     Letting Go: The Pathway to Surrender- David Hawkins


So yes, surrender is a theme but whoa this book was unreal. I read this book in paper copy and I think I would suggest that as I will read it again probably another 24- 52 times before I have learned all the lessons from it. Literally requires slow and focused concentration as it is not so much of a story but rather teachings from renowned psychiatrist David Hawkins.  Each page is filled with such deep wisdom and insights into how we operate so I would highly encourage minimal distractions and perhaps a highlighter. It’s a bit more of a heavy read but it is also a game changer!

So there you have it! My top 5 reads of the fall. I am always looking for new book suggestions so feel free to comment below or shoot me a DM on Instagram @pressplayphysio! Happy Reading!

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