5 Smoothie Recipes to Start Your Morning Off Right!

No matter how prepared I am the night before, my mornings always seem a little rushed! Smoothies have become my go-to during the week as I can make it the night before, pop it in the fridge and run out the door with it in the morning. I am such a creature of habit and make the exact same smoothie every morning for breakfast but I think change is upon me!! I have enlisted some of my instgram foodie friends to share some of their favourite smoothie recipes with us today and I know that they may just get me a tad more excited to rise and shine!

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Emma JackComment
Prep for Success: How to get the most out of your time with a health care practitioner

These days it can be really easy to feel like you are getting lost in the health care system. Listen, I work in health care and I even feel like I've been lost, so I know it isn't easy. The health care industry is BUSY- there is limited time, resources and budgets but those who work in health care are by and large doing their very best to serve every patient to the best of their abilities. Today, I thought I would give a few tips so that you can make the most of your appointments and ensure you are getting the most out of your time spent with a health care practitioner.

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Emma JackComment
Here for Her: Rachel Ettinger

Rachel is a morning show host on 97.5 Virgin Radio in London but over the last 6 months she has also embarked on her own initiative, Here for Her.  Her goal with Here for Her is to end awkwardness and stigma surrounding woman's health issues while also supporting other local women's health initiatives through the sale of the Here for Her clothing line. I have been so thrilled to watch this passion project take off for her and can't wait to see where she takes it! Though Rachel and I only met last year we instantly felt as if we had know each other forever and have been sounding boards for one another throughout our new creative journeys. I can't wait for you to get to know more about Rach and Here for Her today!

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Emma Jack Comment
Four Apps to Make Your New Year a Success!

My poor iPhone is on the way out. After 3.5 years, it has served me well but if I get one more "Storage Almost Full" notification, it may just end up being tossed into a snowbank! As I try to end my data storage woes, I have found myself forced to delete apps off my phone. So long Starbucks, Adios Weather Network, Sayonara LinkedIn. Sadly, those are just a few of the apps that I've had to part ways with but there are four apps that I flat out refuse to give up- and those four apps are the ones I want to share with you today! They have all added enough value to my life that they survived the cut, so I know they will bring value to you and your life too (as well as help you out with any new years resolutions you may have in mind!).

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Emma JackComment
Holiday Sugar Cookies (Gluten-Free, Dairy-free and Nut-free)

This recipe was inspired by the Minimalist Baker's recipe with a few tweaks! I've made these cookies three times now (my first attempt was an absolute disaster!) and they are light, fluffy and make a perfect gift for friends and family over the holidays. If your family is anything like mine, it can sometimes seem impossible to accommodate all the different allergies and sensitivies- but I think I have done it! These puppies are gluten, dairy and nut free so that everyone can enjoy this seasonal favourite!

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Emma JackComment
The Breakdown and Breakthrough: Dianna Moulden

Dianna and I have a lot in common. We both completed our Masters of Physiotherapy at McMaster University, pursued a specialization in sport physiotherapy and completed our Masters of Clinical Science in Manual and Manipulative Therapy at Western University. And disclaimer: we both lost a bit of ourselves while doing it. Today on the blog, Dianna shares her “breakdown and breakthrough,” the importance of finding balance, and how she redefined success.

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Emma Jack Comments
Defining Your Legacy: Vince Luciani

I was introduced to Vince Luciani's work through a mutual friend and was immediately captivated by his passion and drive to help others define themselves and their purpose. His company, The Legacy Coaching, provides mental skills training to help athletes develop improved mental clarity and define their legacy outside of sport. Vince guides his clients to turn big questions into meaningful and powerful statements and he will make you want to do the same- even if you aren't an athlete!  I have been so inspired by Vince's work and can't wait for you all to get to know him a bit today too!

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Emma JackComment
The Best Damn Date Squares Your Grandma's Ever Had

Jess and I pulled this recipe out from her vault. Well, ok maybe I forced her to pull this one out of her vault? I made her dates squares a few weeks ago and I abso LOVED them. They are healthy yet feel like such a yummy, sweet treat! I think they are a legitimate option for breakfast... but also make a great mid-day snack. When Jess says “ you may end up eating the whole tray” she is right! Mine were gone in 2-days flat- and that took a lot of willpower!

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Emma JackComment
Press Play on These 5 (+5) Podcasts!

Those who know me know that I am always up for a roadtrip and on the move. Though Top 40 music can be great for a little bit, spending 6-8 hours in the car each week, I have lots of time to learn about and listen to new things. I think one of the most underutilized apps on a phone has to be podcast app- it's the BEST! Podcasts are free, there are a million of them and they are a great way to keep entertained and educated while you pass the time doing cardio, riding in the car or cleaning the house!  Here is a list of my top 5 favourite podcasts (but then also a list of another 5 because I just couldn't choose!).

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Emma JackComment
Let's Talk Anxiety: Rita Catolino

I have always struggled with minor confidence issues and coping with stress but last year things came to a head when I just had too much on the go. I had made some major life changes- I moved (for the 5th time in 5 years!), I started a full-time Master’s degree and was still working in clinic- and it was too much. In the summer of 2016, I started experiencing intermittent panic attacks and what felt like paralyzing anxiety. In an attempt to make some positive life changes, I contacted transformation coach, Rita Catolino.

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Emma Jack Comments
Practice Collaboration, Not Competition

This past weekend I was lucky enough to be a part of the Canadian Orthopeadic Division and Canadian Academy of Manipulative Physiotherapy (CAMPT) 2017 Orthopaedic National Symposium in my hometown of London, Ontario. Over 350 orthopaedic and manual physiotherapists came together from across the country to discuss, share and spend valuable face time with one another. The theme for the weekend was “Stronger Together” and certainly I came away inspired and motivated. It was a truly wonderful few days of learning and here are a few things I took away from it. Once again, though drawn from the field of physiotherapy, I imagine a lot of these take away points could be easily applied to most professions.

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Emma Jack Comments
Welcome to Press Play!

I am so excited to share this with you all- it has been months in the making and has taken a village, but here we are! I have long wanted to create a space to showcase the people, stories and things that have enhanced my career and personal life and hope you all can take something away from your visits.


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Martha Jack Comments